Shetland Sheepdog Club of Northern California | Sheltie Club

The Shetland Sheepdog … smart, playful, affectionate, devoted to their family, and so much more…
Sheltie headshot for mobile view

About the Breed

SSCNC Purpose

The purpose of our club is to encourage and promote the standard of the Shetland Sheepdog as approved by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and the American Shetland Sheepdog Association (ASSA) as the only standard of excellence by which Shelties will be judged and to educate the public about our breed.

Lancelot, Barn Hunt

Events and Programs

Our Work and Services

AKC Titles, Black and white sheltie jumping during agility course

AKC Titles

The AKC offers a variety of events, including agility trials, conformation shows, field trials, obedience & rally trials, hunt tests, and more.

Awards and Achievements, sable sheltie ready for scent work exercise

Awards & Achievements

Offered by ASSA and AKC, these are awarded to individual Shetland Sheepdogs based on various requirements.

Club events, sable sheltie puppy among pink flowers

Club Events

SSCNC annually hosts socials, specialties, and trial events, which may offer opportunities in conformation, obedience, rally, agility, etc.

Seated Sheltie

Join Our Membership

Rub shoulders with like-minded people, listen to educational speakers, and showcase the distinctive qualities of Shelties. Connect. Learn. Grow!

Breeders Directory

Are you looking for the perfect Sheltie puppy to add to your family? SSCNC is here to help!

We have compiled a comprehensive list of Sheltie member breeders who can help you with your selection process.

We want to help you find your ideal breeder and furry family member.

Breeder Directory Puppy

Why Select From Our Breeders?

Available Puppies

Individual breeders may have puppies available from time to time. Please inquire directly with the breeder. 

Governing Associations

A Member Club of

AKC Logo


Our Gallery

bark, bark, bark!

bark, bark, bark!

Looking for advice on Shelties? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us! Our members are always here to help you out with any questions or concerns you may have. Simply send us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Contact Us

Form Messages are directed to the Corresponding Secretary.

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